“Going Native Garden”

Creating a stunning outdoor sanctuary is  just the beginning of this garden’s journey. This passionate pair of gardeners understand that maintaining a garden is an ever-evolving process - from replacing trees and removing failing plants, they embrace the challenges that come their way. This carefully designed space, complete with patio, fire pit, garden art, and meticulously maintained trees and bushes protect the house. Vibrant plantings lead visitors throughout the yard. But these gardeners never settle for status quo! They are taking the next step towards creating a sustainable garden by switching to native. plants. They embrace the challenge of creating an eco-friendly space that coexists with nature, protects and feeds the birds, bees, butterflies, insects and other animals.  Kudos to this intrepid pair for their commitment to creating a haven that supports local biodiversity and nurtures a greener world.

Sylvia and John M.